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如何获选为Apple杰出教育工作者?How to be selected as an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE)


怎么做准备?有哪些秘诀?What should you do to prepare for it? What are the tips?


今年三月某一天上午我正在上课,Head of IT 走进我的教室里,用一种神秘兮兮的表情问我今天看email了没。我以为学校有什么事我还没跟进,紧张地去看电脑,结果Mr Reynolds直接给我看他的iPad,告诉我我獲选为2019级Apple杰出教育工作者!顿时我五脏六腑都要飞了,学生也大声欢呼起来!准备了那么久的申请终于得到认可了!

A morning in March as I was doing class as usual, the Head of IT of my school waked into my classroom asking if I had checked email yet. I thought there must be something I had not followed up so I quickly opened my inbox. Mr Reynolds couldn't wait; he showed me his iPad screen and told me my application to be an ADE was successful! I was totally blown away hearing the news; students also burst into cheers for me. My effort had finally paid off!


In order for more Mandarin teachers to join the ADE community, I decide to share my application experience with you!

什么是Apple杰出教育工作者?What is ADE?

根据Apple官网的定义,“Apple 杰出教育工作者”是“顾问、推广者、创作者、推广大使“。

According to Apple's official website, ADEs are "advisers, advocates, authentic authors, and ambassadors."

“1994 年,Apple 创立了 Apple 杰出教育工作者 (ADE) 计划,以表彰那些在基础教育和高等教育领域,利用 Apple 技术改变教学方式的先行者。这些教育工作者以拳拳之心,期待着改变世界。他们是来自世界各地的积极引领者,倾力于帮助更多教育界同仁深入思考 iPad 和 Mac 带来的无限可能性,因材施教,为学生提供个性十足的学习方式。”

"In 1994, Apple created the Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) programme to recognise primary, secondary and higher education pioneers who are using Apple technology to transform teaching and learning. These are the educators who are looking to change the world. They are active leaders from around the world helping other educators to rethink what’s possible with iPad and Mac to make learning deeply personal for every student."


获选为ADE有什么好处?What are the benefits to be an ADE?


ADEs participate in Apple's excluded workshops and conferences. They are in the ADE community to exchange ideas and collaborate.

如何申请?How to apply?



Every two years, Apple opens application on their official website for teachers all over the world. However, it would be too late if you only start preparing for the application when it opens as the application period only lasts for a month or so. I had started my preparation over a year ago.

Apple requires all the applicants to submit a video not longer than two minutes to demonstrate their qualities. The criteria is as below:

*1. 你如何改变教学环境 How you change the learning environment


How you use technology to create more possibilities for your students. I showed my digital Mandarin classroom which is full of QR codes, the collaborative learning platforms I built for students, and the 21st century teaching approaches. Please note that "tools" as well as "pedagogy" are equally important here.

*2. 你成功的证据 Prove of success


Show your students' learning products. Prove that the learning results are boosted significantly. I showed the data of how my students progressed in their language skills and the rise of learning motivation.

*3.你如何推广有效的教学Reaching out


Demonstrate how you use technology effectively on social media and workshops you run within and outside of school to promote the benefits of it. I included the pictures and footage as a presenter/workshop leader in this part. I also showed my blog, Twitter and Rede posts.

终极大秘诀:Apple看的不是你用了多少科技,而是你的专业度和你如何呈现个人特色(讲述出你独特的故事)。Tip: It's not how much technology you use in classroom Apple looks at, it should be how you demonstrate yourself as a professional educator and how you tell you own unique story.

看到这里大家一定有很多问题,我来稍作解答。I am almost sure that you want to ask me some questions. Let me see if I can answer some of them here:


1.如何筛选?How does Apple shortlist candidates?


The present ADEs shortlist the first round of candidates and then Apple makes their final decision. Take Hong Kong for example, 30 candidates were shortlisted out of more than 200 applicants; Apple than selected 15 in the final list.

2. 一定只能用Apple硬件和软件吗?Are Apple products only allowed in the video?

答:不一定。例如我的学校都用Mac和iPad,可是我所使用的平台非常多元,包括google educational apps, Flipgrid, Baiboard, Neaarpod, Scratch, 等。

It's not necessary. My school uses iPads and Mac but the the educational technology I use is not limited in Apple products. I use apps such as google educational apps, Flipgrid, Baiboard, Neaarpod, Scratch and so on.

3. 一定要用英文申请吗?Do all the candidates must speak English in their videos?


No. You can speak in your mother tongue.

4. 只用交一个视频就可以了吗?Is it the video all that Apple asks for?


The application requirement varies every year. Apple asked applicants to write essays of more than 3000 words in a year, while in another year they asked if applicants had authored any ebooks. You will never know about it until the application is open.

5. 可不可以看看宣宣老师的申请视频?Can we see Mandarin teacher Shane's application video?


Absolutely yes! Technology tools update very quickly so the tools you use might not be the same with me when you make the application in 2021. Moreover, the reviewers have seen my video so you may want to come up with something else.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions. I am very happy to support your application!


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