如何获选为Apple杰出教育工作者?How to be selected as an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE)
把虚拟实境的魔幻方块带进教室An AR and VR Merge Cube Classroom
互动、沟通、游戏式的造句 Sentence Making: A Collaborative, Communicative and Game-Based Approach
用二维码打造一个数码教室Creating A Digital Classroom Using QR Codes
让学生的电脑朗读中文网页的内容Making Students' Computers Read the Content of Chinese Webpage
用Google Forms考試(iPad与中文教学日记)Using Google Forms in Assessments (iPad Programme Diary)
iPad中文教学日记(阅读报告) iPad Programme and Chinese Teaching (Reading Report)
iPad中文教学日記(句式教学)Diary of Teaching Chinese with iPad Programme(Sentence Pattern)
iPad一人一机与中文教学日記(第1天) Diary of Teaching Chinese with 1:1 iPad Programme(Day1)
30秒把网页上的广告永久去除Removing the Ads on All webpages in 30 Seconds
在Padlet上展示全班作文Sharing All Students' Writings on Padlet
如何克服使用科技教中文的恐惧?How to Overcome The Fear of Using Technology to Teach in The Classroom