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操控全班学生的电脑、平板电脑Controlling all your students' devices with your computer



Imagine that you had magic. When you say "go!", the content you want students to see simultaneously shows on all your students screens; they can't use any other apps anymore. When you say "Do this exercise", all the screens then show the exercise. What's more amazing is, you can also get to see how they do it! Is it possible? Yes!

只要用Nearpod,你就能在课堂上施展这种魔法。You can use that magic as long as you and your students have "Nearpod" in your devices.

*什么是Nearpod?What is Nearpod?


Nearpod is an app/website that allows you to control students' devices and interact with them.

*为什么要用Nearpod? Why using Nearpod?

因为:1. 只要装个App,学生不用登入就可使用(用通关密语进入)

2. 老师能建立各种同步互动活动

3. 能全班展示学生作品/答题状况,让教师及时检查学生理解

4. 支持各种格式的数码资源 (ppt、pdf、word、网页、youtube、谷歌文件)

5. 备课容易


1. Easy access. Students are not required to log on (They are connected using a

"secret code" you give them.

2. It allows teacher to do multiple interactive activities with students

3. You can easily showcase the whole class's works (or a particular one) on the whiteboard. The teacher can quickly check understanding.

4. It supports multiple formats of resources such as ppt, pdf, word, jpg, websites,

youtube, google docs etc.

5. Easy lesson preparation

现在让我举一些教学应用的例子:Here's when I use Nearpod in classroom:

*1. 词语教学Vocabulary


Drawing the meaning of the vocab, circle the right vocab, maching and blank-filling

*2. 阅读理解教学 Teaching reading comprehension

我截出段落,聚焦于文章重点,然后让孩子圈选出答案,或做练习题,以便我及时检查理解。I crop the paragraphs and sentences of key information to the questions, so that I can check understanding immediately after students submit their answers of the result of quiz on Nearpod.

*3. 图书阅读 Picture book reading

学生手上的平板电脑能自动跟着你的的节奏显示故事页面,没有学生能翻到下一页偷看了。The pages of the e-book on students' devices only turn when you want it to turn. Yes, it means they can't peep!

在平板上,文字可依照需求放大或缩小。Students may enlarge the screen according to their needs.


Nearpod is widely used by teachers of different subjects everywhere in the world. Have you thought of any way or when to use it? Please tell me about it!




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