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让学生自己制作卡通片——教学步骤Students Making Their Cartoons


当我告诉学生他们要自己制作卡通片时,每个孩子眼睛都挣得又圆又大,一副不可置信的表情,兴奋的问怎么样可以办到。接下来几天,孩子一来到学校第一件事便是聚在一起继续完成他们的卡通片制作。 一个卡通片从构思、讨论、写草稿到制作,您想想他们在这过程中,他们的语言能力不知不觉提升了多少!

When I told students we were going to make cartoons, their eyes widened with excitement, eagerly asking me how that could be done. In the following days, the first thing students wanted to do upon arriving at school was working on making their own cartoons. Think about how much their language skills had improved from making cartoons when they had to brainstorm the story, doing research on the topic, writing the drafts, making the cartoon and recording it!


There are different ways students can show their creativity, ways such as making posters, making comics, storying-telling, voice recording, and making ebooks. Today, we can have a look at one more option—— making cartoons.


Let's start with watching this student self-made cartoon about raising awareness for protecting seals.

所使用的App是 “Toontastic”。在安卓及Apple iOS都可以下载。

The app used here is "Toontastic". It's downloadable both on Android and iOS.

Toontastic 3D



It offers the function of selecting settings, adding characters, drawing your own, voice recording, and motions. The greatest thing about this app is that there's suggested story line for the students to follow.


It's easy to find a tool; however, a tool doesn't mean anything if the lesson is not well-structured. I am sharing with you the steps you can follow for a collaborative classroom for students to realise their creativity:

*1. 介绍Toontastic的功能给学生 Introducing Toontastic to students


This is for mentally preparing students for what they can expect and what tools they can use. Our students today grow up with electronic devices; when it comes to digital technology, they lean faster and better than we think.

*2. 跟学生讨论故事线Discuss the story line with the students





When making a story on Toontastec, you can choose from the following two modes:

Short Story: Beginning, Middle, and End

Classic Story: Setup, Conflict, Challenge, Climax, and Resolution

Students can always add or delete any scene according to their own story line.

*3. 学生分小组讨论故事内容Collaborative story/script-writing

可以让学生手写故事剧本,或在Google Slides上共同编辑故事(为促进沟通,一组一台电脑就好,轮流打字。)(从构思到完成剧本过程中,老师都要不断和孩子讨论、修改)

Students can do this part either by hand-writing or typing on Google Docs. From composing the story to completion, teachers can have constant meeting with the groups to facilitate them. (If your students choose to type on Google Doc, make sure each group shares only one computer to encourage communication.)

*4.学生录制卡通片Making cartoon


Guide students what tones they can use to make the mood of the characters and the atmosphere of the scenes more vivid. Teachers are encouraged to review it with the students before they export their videos.

*5. 全班出版卡通片Publishing the cartoon

在我班上出版卡通片有两种方式。一,分享在班级部落格上。二,做成QR Code印出来,张贴在教室里(请看宣宣之前的分享文:用二维码打造一个数码教室

I publish the cartoons to these two places: 1, on the class blog. 2, Posting the QR code that take viewers to the videos in the classroom. (please see Making Your Classroom Go Digital)


The completed projects look like this on Padlet—— Topic: How we can give back animals their living rights


In the second part of this post, I am sharing with you the functions of Toontastic

功能1: 三种选择模式 Three modes to choose from


It's at your choice whether you want your students to make a short cartoon, a full classic story, or a animated research report

功能二:各种自带场景选择。 Several settings for the users to choose from.

如果没有适合的,学生也可以自己绘制。Students can also draw their own。

功能三:可自行新增、删除故事环节Adding and deleting scenes

功能四:自选卡通角色Selecting characters

有各种人物、动物。如果没有适合的,可以自行绘制。Again, you can draw your own if you don't find anything suitable from the list.

功能五:自选背景音乐Choosing the background music


There are a selection of music suitable for different moods of scenes.

功能六:方便分享到各个平台 Easy sharing on different platforms


Cartoons can be exported as videos ready to be shared on class blog, TouTube, or any platform that supports video sharing.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions!


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