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过程写作四步骤——让写作不再是学生独自挣扎的历程Four Steps in Process Writing——Writing is no longer painful and lonely



Do you students like writing? Or do they scram when you set writing tasks for them? Use this approach, and make your students start to like writing Chinese composition while making rapid progress!


过程写作英文是Process Writing,是英文写作教学常用的方法,这是跟我的class teacher partner Ms Shirly 学来的。

Process writing, a frequently used approach by English teachers, is the approach I learned from my class teacher partner Ms Shirly.


There's no anxiety, dependency, and complaints at my writing class. It you were to walk in to my classroom, you will see that some of my students are writing hard, some are checking their checklist, revising their articles, discussing how to improve the writing in pairs, and some others having individual meetings with me. You will se an highly organic system there.


So, how to put this approach into practice? Here's some steps for you to refer to:


*Go through the process with students every time you introduce the writing tasks to them. I put a poster of writing process in the front of my classroom.



*Make a checklist for students to refer to, so that they become independent learners who have the self-awareness to review and revise their own articles. As you can see from the checklist below, I include the key learning elements that I want students to practice on in this particular writing task.

*步骤1.草稿 Step 1. Drafting:


After going through the checklist, students can proceed with writing the draft. They are reminded to tick it on the checklist as they write.

*步骤2. 修改 Step 2. Revising:


Students take a dictionary and use a different colour of pencil to revise their articles according to the checklist under the "revising" section. After they are happy with their revising, they pair up with classmates to get advice and suggestions from peers.


As you can see from the student sample work above, this kid made correction for himself, deleted unwanted word and sentences, and add more sentences to his work.


*步骤3. 给陈总编编辑 Step 3. Editing with Editor Shane


Those who have finished with revising and peer cross-checking can go to Teacher Shane for individual meets. Within the meetings, students and I talk about their works and different approaches to solve the difficulties they face in writing or help them make progress. Most of the times, students need to go back revising their writing again.


Some students my take up to three times to complete the revising and editing process.

*步骤4.出版 Step 4. Publishing:

最后,孩子们便兴高采烈地在Google Dive里把文章打出来,然后放在我为他们创设的Padlet"出版社“里发表文章给同学欣赏。

Finally, kids can happily type their works on Google doc and upload them on Padlet where their words are shared with all of their classmates.


Writing under an environment that is full of support, the anxiety kids have over writing has gradually disappeared, instead they become confident and responsible writers. Overtime, you will be surprised to hear students' cheers when you set writing tasks for them!


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