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用建构主义策略学习词语Using the Constructivism Approach to Learn Vocabulary


中文与STEM的结合Mandarin Learning and STEM


Learning doesn't happen without student's actual participation in an activity where students experience what is happening while explaining phenomenon at the same time ---- this is why I believe in the constructivism approach. The approach not only deepens learning, but also helps with the development of students' self-learning skills.

建构主义(Constructivism)教育理论认为儿童透过“实践”、“亲自参与”去推断、下结论,然后建构自己对世界的认识。这种学习法最能引起有效的学习(DeVries et al, 2002)。

Constructivism says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experience to infer and make conclusion of their learning.

以下运用四个实验、录像来让孩子在动手操作中学“蒸发、凝结、凝固、融化“四个抽象的词语。The following is an example of constructivist teaching, showing how kids learn the four abstract vocabulary: evaporation, condensation, solidification, and melt.


The activity was conducted in the form of learning stations. Steps are as below:

*1. 前置作业:在Padlet上选择“Shelf"书架模式,为每个组布置好任务指引,当作学生的记录空间。(这里我就不多说Padlet的操作细节,未来再用一篇文章详细说明它的强大功能)

Pre-activities: Selet "shelf" on Padlet; setting tasks for each of your groups to guide their rotation in the activity. Padlet is served as a platform for students to take multi-media records in the activities.

*2. 课堂上:给学生每组一台iPad和相应的QR Code,让他们快速进入自己的记录空间。告诉学生照着Padlet的任务顺序在各个学习站间移动。

In the classroom: Give each of the group one iPad and the QR code of the Padlet. Tell students to follow the order for the activities in the stations.

*3. 活动中:学生一边做实验,一边录像解释实验过程和现象。实现建构主义教学理论中,由孩子们自行运用手做过程发现、推论、运用目标词语的教学目标。

In the activities: Students work in groups to record the process of the experiments while explaining their findings to the camera. Students find out, infer, and conclude their learning using the target vocabulary.

*4. 活动后:每组学生分享、比较他们的的活动过程和录像给全班同学。然后大家一起讨论实验结果。

After the activities: Students share and compare their findings and videos to classmates. The whole class sit down to discuss their learning.


That's it for all the steps. The actual activities are as below:

学习站1,目标词语:蒸发 Station 1, Target vocabulary: Evaporation


Drawing pictures with water on napkins. Observe and find out what happens after a few minutes.

学习站二,目标词语:凝结 Station 2, Target vocabulary: Condensation


Comparing the two bottles: one bottle holding water with room temperature, another holding cold water. Explaining why there are water drops on one on the surface of one of the water bottles,

学习站三,凝固:Station 3, Target vocabulary: Solidification


Observing and explaining what happened to the water bag after putting into the cool box.

学习站四,融化 Learning Station 4, Target language: Melt


Observing and Explaining what happens to the ice cube tossing into water.

学生经验了所有学习站的实验,大量运用布标词语,同时使用科技留下了自己的学习足迹和证据。After experience the activities in all the experiments and keeping using the target vocabulary while recording all the learning evidence, learning becomes deep and effective.


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